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Wear during activities

While some say practice makes perfect, it may be more accurate to say that practice makes for lasting results when it comes to Correct Toes. The human body and brain are easily trained. The patterns we perform - correct or incorrect - become a habit. For example, our posture can be a result of our repetitive movement. A ballet dancer who practices standing up regularly and thereby trains the back muscles will have excellent posture. Someone who works at a desk all day will likely have slouched shoulders. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the muscles and create habits that will have long-lasting, positive effects. The question is often asked whether Correct Toes can or should be worn at night or while sitting. While there is nothing wrong with this, wearing Correct Toes while inactive will not produce the results that Correct Toes can actually achieve.

Here's what we recommend to get the most out of the right toes and create healthy, permanent changes:

Building strength

Like any muscle in the body, strength is created by working muscle groups. When you hit the gym with the goal of strengthening your arms, it’s a good idea to focus on exercises that encourage arm movement. Feet are no different – ​​you have to move your feet to strengthen your feet. The easiest way to strengthen your feet is to let them move as they were naturally designed to. Performing weight-bearing activities while wearing Correct Toes ensures that your feet are kept in an aligned position, so as you give your feet a workout by walking, running, etc., they are doing so in the correct position.

Connection between the brain and the body.

It’s no secret that our brains and bodies talk to each other. This neuromuscular connection helps remind your muscles to maintain the changes you’re making. Movement triggers the brain to retain information about movement patterns. When you use Correct Toes while you’re active, you’re essentially programming your brain to remember this aligned position, and the repetitive activity creates sustainability.

The shoe problem

While strength and activity are important for muscle memory, so are the outside influences. The purpose of the shoes you wear should be to maintain a strong, healthy foot, not just to make a fashion statement. Healthy shoes are flat (zero-drop), wide at the toes, and flexible. These features allow the foot to move naturally, while at the same time distributing the body weight evenly across the feet and toes. The best shoes for this are barefoot or minimalist shoes.

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